Privacy Policy



The Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (Act 26 of2012) of Singapore (“PDPA”) sets out the personal data protection regimeof Singapore. The PDPA governs the collection, use and disclosure of personal databy organisations like ODEConsulting.


Under the PDPA, “personal data” means any data,whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from the data,or from that data and other information to which an organisation is likely tohave access. Examples of personal data include name, identification number,contact information, voice recordings, videos or photographs of theindividual.  


This Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use govern therelationship between you and ODE Consulting. Please read this Privacy Policyand the Terms of Use carefully as you are deemed to have read, understood,agreed and accepted this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use when you access anduse this Web Site and any of the Services.


ODE Consulting reserves the right to vary or amend this PrivacyPolicy and the Terms of Use at any time by posting the amended policy and/orterms and conditions on this Web Site. Thereafter, when you access and use thisWeb Site and any of the Services, the amended Privacy Policy and Terms of Useshall apply.


The definitions set out in the Terms of Use shall apply herein mutatismutandis.

Collection, Use and Disclosure ofData

ODE Consulting collects your personal dataand other relevant information or data (collectively, the “Data” which expression shall include any of the Data) that you provideto ODE Consulting when you register for an account, updateor change information for your account, purchase products or services, sign upfor courses, participate in courses, sign up for updates, complete surveys,participate in ODE Consulting’s public forums or use any other services on thisWeb Site. You hereby consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your Databy ODE Consulting and its Authorised Recipients for:-


(i)         Provision of the products and serviceson this Web Site to you and recording, monitoring, processing andadministration of your purchase or use of the products and services on this WebSite including, without limitation, your participation in courses, surveys andpublic forums on this Web Site;

(ii)        Planning, monitoring and scheduling deliveriesof the products and services on this Web Site purchased or used by you;

(iii)       All forms of communications, such as toconfirm and update the status of your purchases and deliveries, providing youwith updates and other information and services available on this Web Site andresponding to your queries and requests;

(iv)       Organising seminars, events,marketing and promotional activities, offers, surveys, events, products andservices;

(v)        Conductingresearch and statistical analysis as well as for business purposes;

(vi)       Assessing yourcredit worthiness;

(vii)      Investigating possible error, fraud,misconduct, unlawful action or omission and other criminal activity;

(viii)     Complying with any applicable laws, rules,regulations, guidelines or any request or direction of any governmentalauthorityand/or orders of Court; or to respond to requests for information from publicagencies, ministries, statutory boards or other similar authorities;

(ix)       Verifying and executing all financialtransactions in relation to payments made for online purchases from this Web Siteincluding, without limitation, identity verification;

(x)        Investigating or responding to feedback,request, claims or complaints received;

(xi)       Enforcing any legal proceedings that ODEConsulting may have against you.

(xii)      Storing, hosting,backing up (whether for disaster recovery or otherwise) of such Data;

(xiii)     Administering and managing your relationshipwith ODE Consulting;

(xiv)     Assignment,sale, transfer or merger or reorganization of all or any part of the shares,business or assets of ODE Consulting;

(xv)      Any purposesreasonably related to any of the above purposes; and

(xvi)     Any other purposes in relation to which ODEConsulting has specifically obtained your consent,

(collectively,the “Purposes”).


Youhereby warrant to ODE Consulting that where you disclose the Data of anotherperson (“Other Person”) to ODEConsulting (or any of ODE Consulting’s Authorised Recipients), you have informedand obtained the prior consent of the Other Person or such other person who hasthe right, power and/or authority to give such consent for and on behalf of theOther Person for the collection, use and disclosure by ODE Consulting and its AuthorisedRecipients of the Data of the Other Person for the Purposes.


Youalso agree that your Data and the Data of any Other Person may be processed,kept, transferred or disclosed in and to any country or jurisdiction as ODEConsulting considers appropriate or necessary in accordance with applicable lawfor the Purposes. Further, you agree that such Data may also be processed,kept, transferred or disclosed in accordance with the local laws, regulations,rules and practices (including any regulatory requests, governmental acts andorders) in that country or jurisdiction and that the protection of such Datamay be different from that required under the laws of the Republic of Singaporeor the laws where you reside or are located.


Authorised Recipients” in this PrivacyPolicy means ODE Consulting’s employees, affiliates, related corporations,agents and third party providers as well as any actual or potential purchaser, assignee or transferee ofall or any part of the shares, business or assets of ODE Consulting.


If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy,please do not provide any of your Data or the Data of any Other Person to ODEConsulting. If you refuse or withdraw your consent in respect of thecollection, use and/or disclosure of such Data, or if you chose not to provideany of your Data or the Data of any Other Person to ODE Consulting, ODE Consultingmay not be able to provide or continue to provide you and/or the Other Person withthe products and services that can be offered on this Web Site.  

Confidentiality of Personal Data

Personaldata provided to ODE Consulting by you at this Web Site will be keptconfidential and will only be disclosed for the Purposes. All AuthorisedRecipients, if any, are required by ODE Consulting to use the personal datastrictly for the Purposes and are required to maintain the confidentiality ofthe personal data.


Any Data, questions, comments, suggestions or information(other than personal data) sent or posted to this Web Site by you will bedeemed voluntarily provided to ODE Consulting on a non-confidential andnon-proprietary basis. ODE Consulting may use, reproduce, disclose, transmit,publish, broadcast or post elsewhere such information for any purpose,including, without limitation, in connection with the development and marketingof products and services.


This Privacy Policy applies only to personal data and otherinformation and data collected via this Web Site. ODE Consulting is notresponsible for the privacy practices or policies of other websites accessiblevia this Web Site. Such other websites are subject to their own data protectionand privacy practices and policies and you should examine their practices andpolicies. By activating a link (e.g. by clicking on the banner of an advertiseror pop-out by other third parties), you leave this Web Site and ODE Consulting doesnot have control over any personal data or any other information you give toany other person or entity.

Information Collected by “Cookies”

This Web Site may pass a “cookie” (a string of informationthat is sent by a website to reside in your computer’s hard drive and/ortemporarily in your computer’s memory). The purpose of a cookie is to tell theweb server that you have returned to a particular page, to retain logininformation or to remember preferences and enhance your experience on this WebSite. You agree that ODE Consulting may allow third parties to set cookiesthrough this Web Site in order to help ODE Consulting manage and analyze theperformance of this Web Site. You may set your browser to decline cookies. If youdo so, you may not be able to fully experience some interactive features of thisWeb Site.

Collection of Computer Data

ThisWeb Site may use cookies, web beacons, technologies deployed for analysis ofvisits to websites and/or any other information technology application of ODEConsulting to collect information to help provide you with a better, faster,safer and personalised experience when you use the products, services and/oraccess this Web Site. When you visit this Web Site, ODE Consulting’s serverswill automatically record information that your browser sends whenever youvisit a website. This data may include:


(i)         Yourcomputer’s IP address;

(ii)        Browsertype;

(iii)       Thewebpage you were visiting before you came to this Web Site;

(iv)       Thepages within this Web Site which you visit;

(v)        The time spent on those pages, items andinformation searched on this Web Site, access times and dates, and otherstatistics.


This information is collected for analysis and evaluation inorder to help ODE Consulting improve its Web Site, and the products and servicesit provides and you consent to the same.

Data Security

Personal data collected by ODE Consulting will be stored withappropriate security technologies.


Personal data collected by ODE Consulting will be disposedwhen no longer required by ODE Consulting for business or legal purposes.


The internet is not a fully secure environment and there issome risk that an unauthorised third party may find a way to circumvent ODEConsulting’s security systems or the transmission of your and/or any OtherPerson’s Data over the internet will be intercepted. It is your responsibilityto protect the security of your login Data. [●Please understand that thecommunications you send to us through our Web Site are not encrypted.]


Youagree that your and the Other Person’s Data may be retained by ODE Consultingeven after your account is terminated and that ODE Consulting may continue tocontact you with marketing information until you notify ODE Consultingotherwise.


Access,Updating and Accuracy

Youcan request ODE Consulting to provide you with information about the ways inwhich your and/or the Other Person’s personal data has been or may have beenused or disclosed within a year before the request. ODE Consulting will provideyou with the relevant information within a reasonable time from such request.


Uponrequest, ODE Consulting is also required to correct any error or omission inyour personal data; and send the corrected data to other organisations to whichthe personal data was disclosed by ODE Consulting within a year before thecorrection is made.


Pleaseunderstand that if you submit inaccurate Data, that could affect your and/orthe Other Person’s access and use of this Web Site, the information to beprovided to you and/or the Other Person and ODE Consulting’s communication withyou and/or the Other Person. You are therefore responsible for ensuring theaccuracy of the Data you submit to ODE Consulting.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

ODEConsulting regularly reviews the adequacy of its Privacy Policy. ODE Consultingreserves the right to modify and change the Privacy Policy at any time. Anychanges to this policy will be published on this Web Site.


Contact Us

Ifyou wish to withdraw your consent to ODE Consulting’s collection, use and/ordisclosure of your and/or the Other Person’s Data, request to access or correctyour and/or the Other Person’s Data, have any queries, comments or concerns, orrequire any help on technical or cookie-related matters, kindly contact ODEConsulting or its designated Data Protection Officer at