• 360° Conflict Instrument

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, and its effects depends on how we respond.

If we fear conflict and handle it poorly, small problems will fester and grow into larger ones. In the best-case scenario, conflict can be a catalyst for improvement and change. If you understand the role conflict plays in your work and personal relationships, you can make conflict work for you instead of against you. 

Who is this for?

Anyone who wants to improve their conflict management skills, with direct reports, leadership or Board, to help better resolve or prevent conflicts.

What will I get?

The 360° Conflict Instrument profiler enables you to get inputs from up to 9 identified observers: your direct reports, peers or manager.

You will get a report highlighting your observable strengths and area of improvements when when preventing and resolving conflicts, to get a holistic understanding of your confliect management skills.

The report will contain a Johari Window, a 2 x 2 matrix that compares your perception of how you deal with conflicts, against how others see you. This would enhanced your self-awareness and help you understand your gaps. 

See a Sample Profiler Report

How do I use the report?

You can use the report to develop a personal action plan to improve in areas where there are gaps, both immediately and for the medium term. Some of these you could try on-the-job immediately to start experimenting and seeing immediate benefits. 

You may also want to spend some time with a coach to do a debrief on the results of the report, and to plan next steps. 

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360° Conflict Instrument

  • S$49.90

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Tags: profiler, conflict, 360, profilers, self-development, learn about myself, profiling tool, leadership, management, team